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Voici LA recette à préparer pour les brunchs en famille ou entre amis, ou tout simplement pour se faire plaisir. Cette recette demande un peu de patience mais elle en vaut tellement la peine vous verrez.

Vegan Brioche with Olive Oil

Preparation : 30 minutes
Serving size : 1 loaf

Here is THE recipe to prepare for brunches with family or friends, or simply to treat yourself. Everyone will be impressed when you say "I made it AND it's vegan"! At the office, when Elisabeth (co-owner of Maison Orphée) gave us a taste of this recipe, everyone asked her for the recipe. It's really easy to make and a real pleasure to taste. Why not make some for your next brunch.

A little extra that you don't often think of using in a dessert: extra virgin olive oil. It adds an absolutely sublime touch that makes all the difference and adds a little extra to the brioche.

And if there's any left over after brunch (which we highly doubt!), you can find our vegan French toast recipe at the end to use the leftovers.

The recipe requires a bit of patience but it is worth it, you'll see. To make it, you will need a stand mixer with a dough hook.


  • 2 ¼ tbsp (34 ml) or 1 pouch of active dry yeast
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) vegetable mylk (of your choice)
  • 3 cups (750 ml) unbleached all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup (185 ml) aquafaba (Aquafaba is the liquid found in cans of chickpeas. It is used here as an egg substitute). Save the chickpeas for another recipe!  
  • 1/2 tsp. (3 mL) Fine grey sea salt
  • 3 tbsp (45 ml) sugar
  • 1/2 cup (125 mL) balanced extra virgin olive oil


Pour the yeast and warm mylk into the blender bowl and let stand for about 10 minutes.

In the same bowl, add 1 cup (250 ml) unbleached flour, the aquafaba, sugar and salt. Mix at medium speed until smooth.    

Gradually pour in the remaining flour while mixing until a firmer dough is formed. It will come off the bowl at the sides.       

Introduce the olive oil while mixing at low speed. Every 3 minutes, increase kneading speed. It will seem like a lot but eventually the dough will absorb all the oil. It may take 20 to 25 minutes to incorporate all the oil.              

Once it is done, transfer the mixture to the counter, previously floured. Form a ball.        

Put the ball in a lightly greased bowl. Cover with plastic wrap or place a clean, damp cloth on top of the bowl.      

Let the dough rest for 90 minutes in a warm place. Tip: Place the bowl in the oven with the light on and a bowl of hot water. This will create the optimal temperature for a well-risen dough.     

After 90 minutes, the volume should have doubled. Crush the dough, form a ball again, and return it to the bowl. Cover again with plastic wrap and let stand overnight in the refrigerator.

The next day, the dough should have risen again.

Crush the dough again and form 4 small balls. Place them in a lightly oiled rectangular loaf pan. They should stick together and be a little tight. Let them rise in volume for another 90 minutes.           

P.S. You will want to give the loaf a nice golden colour. Before putting it in the oven, mix a small amount of aquafaba, salt and plant-based mylk. Apply with a brush to the brioche. You can also decorate the brioche with large lumps of sugar if you wish, or any other topping.

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).

Place the brioche in the preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes.

Reduce oven temperature to 350°F (175°C) and bake for 25 minutes.

Remove from oven and cool on a rack once removed from the bread pan.    



If you're stronger than us and didn't eat all the brioche or it's a little less fresh, take the opportunity to make our recipe for veggie French toast!


Photo credits Stéfanie Crevier @le_refuge_soins_naturels and Debbie Barrette @debphotographe 

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