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Politique de confidentialité


We have created this privacy policy because we know the importance of your personal information to you and that you care about the information you send us and that we collect and how they are used. This privacy policy establishes the practices of La Maison Orphée Inc. in the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in connection with the operation of its website.

We want to make sure that we are committed to protecting your personal information. Protecting your personal information is a priority for us. We use the information we collect to ensure a constant improvement in the quality of your shopping experience. We do not rent, trade or sell your personal information to a third party. Your online shopping is secured and the transmission of information is done by the SSL cryptographic mechanism to provide you with a safe shopping experience.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our Privacy Officer at 1-800-667-1530.

  1. The information we collect
    • Personal information

When you buy from our website, sign up for our newsletter or one of our contests, one of our drawing, you will be asked to provide us with information about yourself. The personal information we may collect in these situations is as follow (not always applicable):

  • Your first and last name
  • Your email address
  • Your shipping information
  • Your home and/or office phone number and/or cellphone number
  • Various information about your preferences (language of communication, etc.)

We do not collect personal information without your consent. 

When you provide us with personal information as part of a transaction, order, delivery arrangement or return of purchase, or when you create an account or submit comments on our website, we assume you consent to let us collect and use these information.

When you sign up for our newsletter, you will be asked for your consent to receive our newsletter and you must either sign up yourself or agree to receive our newsletter by checking the appropriate box.

  • Payment information

When you make a purchase on our website, you will be asked for additional information in addition to the personal information described in section 1.1. Additional information may include: a debit card number, a credit card number, an address in connection with your payment method. Any transaction is processed by a third party (Moneris), we do not collect or store this payment information. This payment information is collected and processed by Moneris and is therefore subject to their privacy policy and terms of use.

  • Other information

In addition to personal information, when browsing our website, we automatically obtain the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer. It provides us with different information such as:

  • Browser
  • Operating system
  • Language
  • URLs of entry and exit of our website,
  • Date and time of your visit
  • Time spent on our website
  • Time spent on a particular page
  • Sections of the site visited
  • Order Information
  • Other similar information

We also useCookies. We use Google Analytics for analytics and advertising purposes(remarketing), Google AdWords for advertising purposes(remarketing) and Pixel Meta / Facebook for advertising purposes(remarketing). We use cookies to collect this other information to enhance your shopping experience on our website. If you do not want our website to use cookies, you should be able to disable cookies directly on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

The different applications, which can collect personal information, which we use to make our website more user friendly and improve your shopping experience are:

  • Klaviyo (newsletter)
  • Weglot (translator)
  • Shipstation (physical shipment of parcels)
  • (loyalty program, customer reviews and comments)
  • Moneris (to enable payments)
  • Beaconstac (QR codes)
  • Survey Monkey (surveys and complementary landing pages)

Learn more about our cookie policy.

  1. Third party Services

It may happen that we use external service providers and that some of your personal information can be forwarded to those vendors. We could use third-party vendors to help us analyze, manage, optimize, improve our website and social networks or our advertising campaigns or create reports from our website and our social networks.

In general, third party suppliers that we work with will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to enable them to provide the services they provide to us.

However, some third-party service providers, such as payment gateways, have their own privacy policies regarding the protection and use of personal and payment information. We advise you to consult their privacy policies and terms & conditons. Some of these vendors may be located in a location that is different from the authority that we depend on or may have facilities in other locations. In the event of a transaction involving these third party suppliers, your information will then be subject to the laws where the service provider or its facilities are located.

These third-party vendors could also use login cookies.

We reserve the right to disclose personal information about you if the law requires or if court orders are issued including the sending of a subpoena or a search warrant.

In the event of a corporate reorganization, merger, sale of business, transfer or other dispositions of all or part of the assets of La Maison Orphée Inc. (including in the course of bankruptcy proceedings or insolvency) personal information and other collected information could be part of the assets transferred during the transaction.

  1. Access and change to your personal information and communication preferences

If you have created an account on the Maison Orphée website, you are able to change your personal information by logging into your account directly on our website. You will be able to change your personal information directly in your account. If you have any questions, please contact We will also be able to make the requested changes if you write to or to 905 Galilee Avenue, Quebec City, Quebec G1P 4G4, Canada.

You can also manage or modify the reception of any communication (newsletter) by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link directly in the newsletter.

  1. Security

The website Maison Orphée is operated and hosted on the servers of Shopify INC.

Our newsletter database is operated and hosted by Klaviyo.

We take reasonable precautions and follow the best practice rules to ensure that your personal information, payment information and any other information is not lost, misused, consulted, disclosed, altered or destroyed.

However, be aware that no security system is impenetrable. Due to the very nature of the Internet, the security of transmissions via the Internet cannot be guaranteed. So we can't guarantee the security of our database. Nor can we guarantee that any information you provide to us will not be intercepted when it is transmitted or sent over the Internet. So you should always be very attentive to the information provided.

  1. Age of consent

We do not voluntarily collect personal information from minors. If you are not a major in your state or province of residence please do not provide us with any personal information. We encourage all parents and legal guardians of minors to monitor the use by minor people of the Internet. If you have reason to believe that a minor person has provided us with personal information, contact us so that we can delete this information as soon as possible.

  1. External links

When you browse our website, you will see links to other third party websites. If you click on these links, they can redirect you to other Internet sites outside of our site. We are not responsible for the practices, policies or actions of these third parties with respect to the protection of personal information. We advise you to read carefully their privacy policy and terms & conditions.

  1. Business partners (customers and suppliers), and employees

We may collect and process various types of personal information in the course of our business and provision of services, including: 

  • billing and financial information, such as billing address, bank account information or payment data;
  • information relating to products or services, such as details of goods we have sold you or services we have rendered to you;
  • recruitment information, such as a resume, education and employment history, identification and other background check data, such as a copy of a driver's license, passport, and other information relevant to potential recruitment by Maison Orphée. 

    Retention of personal information 

    We will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. For more information on how long we keep personal information, please contact us at or at 905 avenue Galilée, Québec (Québec) G1P 4G4, Canada, to the attention of the Privacy Officer.

    Your personal information is currently hosted in Canada and the United States. 

    Accessing and correcting your personal information  

    If you are a business customer, supplier or employee of Maison Orphée, you have the right to access and rectify your personal information. For any request, please write to or at 905 avenue Galilée, Québec (Québec) G1P 4G4, Canada, to the attention of the Privacy Officer.

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    We have created this privacy policy because we know the importance of your personal information to you and that you care about the information you send us and that we collect and how they are used. This privacy policy establishes the practices of La Maison Orphée Inc. in the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in connection with the operation of its website.

    We want to make sure that we are committed to protecting your personal information. Protecting your personal information is a priority for us. We use the information we collect to ensure a constant improvement in the quality of your shopping experience. We do not rent, trade or sell your personal information to a third party. Your online shopping is secured and the transmission of information is done by the SSL cryptographic mechanism to provide you with a safe shopping experience.

    If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our Privacy Officer at 1-800-667-1530.

    1. The information we collect
      • Personal information

    When you buy from our website, sign up for our newsletter or one of our contests, one of our drawing, you will be asked to provide us with information about yourself. The personal information we may collect in these situations is as follow (not always applicable):

    • Your first and last name
    • Your email address
    • Your shipping information
    • Your home and/or office phone number and/or cellphone number
    • Various information about your preferences (language of communication, etc.)

    We do not collect personal information without your consent. 

    When you provide us with personal information as part of a transaction, order, delivery arrangement or return of purchase, or when you create an account or submit comments on our website, we assume you consent to let us collect and use these information.

    When you sign up for our newsletter, you will be asked for your consent to receive our newsletter and you must either sign up yourself or agree to receive our newsletter by checking the appropriate box.

    • Payment information

    When you make a purchase on our website, you will be asked for additional information in addition to the personal information described in section 1.1. Additional information may include: a debit card number, a credit card number, an address in connection with your payment method. Any transaction is processed by a third party (Moneris), we do not collect or store this payment information. This payment information is collected and processed by Moneris and is therefore subject to their privacy policy and terms of use.

    • Other information

    In addition to personal information, when browsing our website, we automatically obtain the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer. It provides us with different information such as:

    • Browser
    • Operating system
    • Language
    • URLs of entry and exit of our website,
    • Date and time of your visit
    • Time spent on our website
    • Time spent on a particular page
    • Sections of the site visited
    • Order Information
    • Other similar information

    We also useCookies. We use Google Analytics for analytics and advertising purposes(remarketing), Google AdWords for advertising purposes(remarketing) and Pixel Meta / Facebook for advertising purposes(remarketing). We use cookies to collect this other information to enhance your shopping experience on our website. If you do not want our website to use cookies, you should be able to disable cookies directly on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

    The different applications, which can collect personal information, which we use to make our website more user friendly and improve your shopping experience are:

    • Klaviyo (newsletter)
    • Weglot (translator)
    • Shipstation (physical shipment of parcels)
    • (loyalty program, customer reviews and comments)
    • Moneris (to enable payments)
    • Beaconstac (QR codes)
    • Survey Monkey (surveys and complementary landing pages)

    Learn more about our cookie policy.

    1. Third party Services

    It may happen that we use external service providers and that some of your personal information can be forwarded to those vendors. We could use third-party vendors to help us analyze, manage, optimize, improve our website and social networks or our advertising campaigns or create reports from our website and our social networks.

    In general, third party suppliers that we work with will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to enable them to provide the services they provide to us.

    However, some third-party service providers, such as payment gateways, have their own privacy policies regarding the protection and use of personal and payment information. We advise you to consult their privacy policies and terms & conditons. Some of these vendors may be located in a location that is different from the authority that we depend on or may have facilities in other locations. In the event of a transaction involving these third party suppliers, your information will then be subject to the laws where the service provider or its facilities are located.

    These third-party vendors could also use login cookies.

    We reserve the right to disclose personal information about you if the law requires or if court orders are issued including the sending of a subpoena or a search warrant.

    In the event of a corporate reorganization, merger, sale of business, transfer or other dispositions of all or part of the assets of La Maison Orphée Inc. (including in the course of bankruptcy proceedings or insolvency) personal information and other collected information could be part of the assets transferred during the transaction.

    1. Access and change to your personal information and communication preferences

    If you have created an account on the Maison Orphée website, you are able to change your personal information by logging into your account directly on our website. You will be able to change your personal information directly in your account. If you have any questions, please contact We will also be able to make the requested changes if you write to or to 905 Galilee Avenue, Quebec City, Quebec G1P 4G4, Canada.

    You can also manage or modify the reception of any communication (newsletter) by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link directly in the newsletter.

    1. Security

    The website Maison Orphée is operated and hosted on the servers of Shopify INC.

    Our newsletter database is operated and hosted by Klaviyo.

    We take reasonable precautions and follow the best practice rules to ensure that your personal information, payment information and any other information is not lost, misused, consulted, disclosed, altered or destroyed.

    However, be aware that no security system is impenetrable. Due to the very nature of the Internet, the security of transmissions via the Internet cannot be guaranteed. So we can't guarantee the security of our database. Nor can we guarantee that any information you provide to us will not be intercepted when it is transmitted or sent over the Internet. So you should always be very attentive to the information provided.

    1. Age of consent

    We do not voluntarily collect personal information from minors. If you are not a major in your state or province of residence please do not provide us with any personal information. We encourage all parents and legal guardians of minors to monitor the use by minor people of the Internet. If you have reason to believe that a minor person has provided us with personal information, contact us so that we can delete this information as soon as possible.

    1. External links

    When you browse our website, you will see links to other third party websites. If you click on these links, they can redirect you to other Internet sites outside of our site. We are not responsible for the practices, policies or actions of these third parties with respect to the protection of personal information. We advise you to read carefully their privacy policy and terms & conditions.

    1. Business partners (customers and suppliers), and employees

    We may collect and process various types of personal information in the course of our business and provision of services, including: 

    • billing and financial information, such as billing address, bank account information or payment data;
    • information relating to products or services, such as details of goods we have sold you or services we have rendered to you;
    • recruitment information, such as a resume, education and employment history, identification and other background check data, such as a copy of a driver's license, passport, and other information relevant to potential recruitment by Maison Orphée. 

      Retention of personal information 

      We will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. For more information on how long we keep personal information, please contact us at or at 905 avenue Galilée, Québec (Québec) G1P 4G4, Canada, to the attention of the Privacy Officer.

      Your personal information is currently hosted in Canada and the United States. 

      Accessing and correcting your personal information  

      If you are a business customer, supplier or employee of Maison Orphée, you have the right to access and rectify your personal information. For any request, please write to or at 905 avenue Galilée, Québec (Québec) G1P 4G4, Canada, to the attention of the Privacy Officer.